Beginning and Concluding – Diptych new from Sam Weeks

Sam Weeks created these two paintings to explore her fascination with opposing forces and energies. In "Beginning" and "Concluding," she delves into the interplay of light and dark, drawing parallels with natural phenomena such as day and night, sunrise and sunset, and the broader concepts of beginnings and endings, such as personal journeys. Much like bookends that steady and keep the reins on the situation, "Beginning" and "Concluding" are entirely dependent on the other to exist, defining the space they hold.

Both paintings feature a circle symmetrically placed within, and nearly filling, the square format of the picture plane. This composition is a recurring theme in Sam’s recent works, inspired by the symbolism of the I Ching. The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text and one of the oldest of the Chinese classics. By incorporating the I Ching's symbolism into her art, Sam Weeks invites viewers to reflect on the cyclical nature of existence and the balance of opposing forces. Her work encourages a deeper understanding of how beginnings and endings are interconnected, much like the hexagrams of the I Ching that illustrate the constant flow and transformation of life

The pairing of geometric shapes in Sam's paintings, found in the imagery of several ancient cultures, represents strength, wholeness, and divinity. The circle within the square is particularly significant, symbolizing the unity of heaven (circle) and earth (square), a concept deeply rooted in the I Ching's philosophy.

The cloud motifs in is also prevalent in Sam’s current work. It signifies transient events that move through our lives, casting shadows or providing life-giving rain. Regardless of whether these events are welcome, the clouds always move on, allowing clarity and light to return – a reminder that "this too shall pass."

Sam’s signature palette of teal blues and oranges is evident in these paintings as well. These complementary colours on the colour wheel underscore the concept of opposing yet interdependent energies, bound together in harmony.

See Sam’s Original Work - Here




The Seasons of the Forest