A Birmingham-based artist, Anita’s creative journey began at the Margaret Street School of Art, where she pursued her undergraduate degree. In 2014, she proudly graduated with a first-class honour’s degree in fine art. During her studies, Anita’s fascination with psychology led her to explore the intricate layers beneath human physicality. While mirrors simply reflect surface appearances, it is the complex strata beneath that truly captivates her.

Anita’s artistic expression revolves around connection, visibility, and raw emotion. Her paintings serve as a conduit for unveiling the invisible—leaving traces of mark-making, a history on the canvas. These works possess a visceral energy that defies destruction. Inspired by the resilience of women abstract painters, including Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, and Elaine de Kooning, Anita seeks to honour their contributions and amplify their recognition.

Her creative process unfolds spontaneously, beginning with energetic paint marks. There’s no rigid plan; instead, Anita allows these initial marks to breathe, leaving the canvas untouched for hours, days, or even months. The crucial second stage emerges—an opportunity to reveal every element, unapologetically showcasing raw emotion. Rather than smoothing over the marks, Anita eliminates the unnecessary, allowing the necessary to speak.

In her artistic exploration, Anita has ventured into watercolours, experimenting with their unique qualities. Through glazing effects and watercolour mediums, she seeks to strengthen and deepen the faint hues. This process mirrors her inner discovery and personal strength.

Anita’s dual role as an art psychotherapist and artist has given rise to abstract paintings that bridge both worlds. Paint becomes metaphorical skin, and the canvas—the painting surface—holds the stories of destruction and repair. Each unplanned mark connects her intuitively to meaning and self-discovery.

Anita Roye’s art invites viewers to peel back the layers, revealing the profound interplay of emotion, resilience, and human experience.


Adrian Thompson-Boyce


Annemarie Wright